Believe it or not, the cure for my leg cramps at night can be found in your bathroom right now! You won't have to look in your medicine cabinet, and you wont have to rub any foul smelling ointment onto your legs to sleep through the night without pain.
Just about every house has a bar of soap in their bathroom (at least I hope so), and that was my secret to getting rid of those cramps! While searching through the Internet for a home remedy for my night leg cramps, I read about putting a bar of soap under my sheets while I sleep!
Normally, I would laugh at such a weird sounding remedy, but I was becoming desperate! I decided to give it a try! I opened up a fresh bar of soap, slid it under my bed sheets, and went to sleep, hoping for the best.
The next morning, I woke up in amazement. I did not have any cramps throughout the night, but soon that amazement turned into doubt. I figured that it was just a coincidence, and thought that I should try it out for a few more nights before I got too excited.
I learned about this back in September. It's now close to the end of November (happy early Thanksgiving!), and I have yet to wake up in the night with cramps since I have used the bar of soap! If you are at all skeptical, at least give this home remedy a try! You wont have anything to lose, except what you really want to get rid of!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
How I Stopped My Leg Cramps At Night
Posted by
Jason Stepp
12:48 PM
What Are Night Leg Cramps And How Are They Caused?
Don't you just hate waking up in the wee hours of the morning to the excruciating pain caused by night leg cramps? Sometimes, the pain is so unbearable that your eyes begin to tear up!
As of right now, the exact cause of night leg cramps has yet to be identified; however, unconventional electrolyte processing is believed to play a major role in cramping at night.
Here is the wiseGEEK's explanation of what an electrolyte is:"An electrolyte is a liquid substance which acts as a medium to conduct electricity. One speaks of an electrolyte in a number of different contexts, the most common including health and fitness, and various electronics and automotive disciplines. An electrolyte is full of ions, which are atoms that have some sort of net electric charge, either positive or negative. A dilute electrolyte has a relatively small amount of ions for its volume, while a concentrated electrolyte has a high amount of ions"
Experts have also pointed at the over exhaustion of your leg muscles during the day to cause night leg cramps. It is believed that standing too long, sitting too long, or even the positioning of your legs while sitting during the day could be a big factor in the cause of your legs cramping at night.
Because of the importance of water to our body, and how it is in charge of transporting minerals and vitamins to the rest of the body, if you are not getting enough water, your chances of getting night leg cramps are much higher.
Posted by
Jason Stepp
10:42 AM